Field Agent
• Knights purchased six-wheel chairs at $150 each for a total cost of $900, for distribution within the community.
• 120 new winter coats and 150 handmade woolen caps to refugees and immigrants with in the community.
• Knights also honored our community “Emergency Responders”, with an awards and recognition dinner
• Knights distributed 2,000 “Consecration to the Holy Family” prayer cards at Our Lady of Grace and St Benedicts Churches.
• Knights donated $100 to OLG and $100 to St Benedicts for Thanksgiving. They also delivered 150 turkeys to families at OLG.
• The Knights arranged the donation from State Council of $1,500 for the Our Lady of Grace Hispanic Youth Group pilgrimage to St. Augustine Florida. The council also donated $200 for their trip.
• Knights sponsored the Annual Communion Prayer Breakfast Mass. The Council collected $2,053 to donate to Saint Francis Springs Prayer Center.
• The Knights held a dinner/ fund raiser and raised $2,000. 4 seminarians selected by the Diocese of Charlotte each received $500.